
ICT is one of the work units within FKIP ULM which has a mission to become an example of a center of excellence for AI & IoT-based IT innovation, developing and applying the latest technology, developing IT business, and facilitating technology in the teaching and learning process. To support this mission, ICT formed three divisions, namely Software & Integration Systems, Networking & Data Synchronization, Content Creative, and Research & Development.

Our Services

ICT FKIP ULM has four main services, namely software/application development, networking, content-creative and R&D.

Software and Integration System
Networking and Synchronization Data
Content Creative
Research and Development

Our team

Nuruddin Wiranda, M.Cs.


Research & Development IT governance

Muhammad Sa'duddien Khair, M.Pd.


Research & Development IT governance

Ponco Sisworo, S.Pd.

Networking & Data Integration

Integrated network and data developer

M. Naufal Yaasir, S.Pd., M.Kom.

Software & System Integration

Integrated software management and system development

Galih Rizki Khairul Ulum, S.Pd

Content Creative

Creative content team

Bambang Arianto, S.Pd

Content Creative

Creative content team

Ahmad Alfan, S.Pd.

Content Creative

Creative content team


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