Yogyakarta-Banjarmasin – Eleven lecturers and one laboratory staff of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) have successfully obtained a certificate of competence as a Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) after attending training and competency tests. They are Suratno, Dwi Atmono, Muhammad Rahmattullah, Monry FNG Ratumbusyang, Maulan Rizky, Ananda Setiawan, Alfi Fadhilah Hakim, Syarifudin Bahar, Rizky Febriyani Putri, Sidharta Adyatma, and Wisnu Subroto.
The certification was conducted alternately on March 1, March 22, and April 5, 2024 in Yogyakarta and Banjarmasin. The coordinator of lecturers who took this exam, Muhammad Rahmattullah, said that the advantage of participating in this certification is to increase the knowledge and skills of lecturers related to 21st Century Learning which is very close to the use of technology, one of which is Microsoft Office. “Of course, this is also important to improve the achievement of IKU, then provision towards international accreditation of the Study Program,” he added, according to him, this certification is expected to be taken by other doen and students.
The objectives of the MCE certification itself include (1) facilitating collaboration between teachers and students, (2) facilitating problem solving and generating innovation in the real world, (3) facilitating teachers and students using Information Communication Technology (ICT), (4) utilizing ICT to become effective educators.
Congratulations to the lecturers, hopefully the competencies gained will be useful for themselves and the institution. (admin)