Banjarmasin – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) was appointed as the organizer of the 2024 Pre-Service Teacher Professional Program (PPG) Substantive Test conducted by the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (Dirjen GTK) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). The exam was attended by 1214 applicants and was held for 5 days from June 3-7, 2024.
The test was held in a number of computer laboratories (labkom) at FKIP ULM with an average of 124 participants per day for the five days. The laboratories used include the Mathematics Education Study Program (PS) lab, the Mathematics Science Education PS lab, the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) PS lab on the 1st floor and 2nd floor, the Economics Education PS lab, the Educational Technology PS lab, and the Computer Education PS lab.
Of the 1214 participants, it is known that 1 person took the test in the field of study of Plant Agribusiness; 1 person Animal Agribusiness; 1 person Accounting and Institutional Finance; 8 people Arabic; 47 people Indonesian; 114 people English; 43 people Guidance Counseling; 4 people Biology; 1 person Fashion; 33 people Economics; 4 people Physics; 3 people Geography; 40 people Natural Sciences; 25 people Social Sciences; 59 in Informatics; 45 in Chemistry; 88 in Mathematics; 2 in Early Childhood Education; 554 in Primary School Teacher Education; 37 in Physical Education, Sports and Health; 20 in Special Education; 29 in Pancasila and Civic Education; 1 in Software and Game Development; 23 in History; 5 in Cultural Arts; 2 in Sociology; 1 in Construction and Housing; and 1 in Mechanical Engineering. The test participants also included 3 participants with special needs.
According to the Head of the Test Organizing Team and Secretary of PS PPG, Mohammad Dani Wahyudi, there are several factors why this year’s PPG enthusiasts have increased, including the socialization of the PPG program which is increasingly evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, including in Kalimantan, prospective teachers who are increasingly aware of the importance of professional education in carrying out their role as teachers in the future, and the most dominant factor, the guarantee of welfare when they become teachers because they have professional certificates.
Regarding the implementation of the test, Dani hopes that everything will run smoothly, “Our target is that this activity can run smoothly and can facilitate all participants to take this test well and comfortably,” he said. Meanwhile, PS PPG Coordinator, Hidayah Ansori expressed his appreciation to the test organizing team. “The smooth implementation of the test is the success of the cooperation of all organizing committees – supervisors – proctors, they work responsibly,” he said appreciatively.
The implementation of this test was also monitored by the Kemdikbudristek supervisory team, namely Karnadi and Musthafa Badri El-Kautsar from the Directorate General of GTK and BP3 (Educational Testing Management Center). According to them, based on observations and interviews with participants, supervisors, coordinators, admins, and some committees, it can be concluded that the Substantive Test Implementation of PPG Student Candidates is running well, safe, comfortable, conducive, effective, and good. The test implementation is also in accordance with existing regulations.
In line with the conclusion of the supervisors, Dani added, monitoring activities were carried out from June 3-6. “Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly. The Central Team was on campus for 2 days, the first day the central team conducted interviews with coordinators, supervisors, proctors and participants. On the second day the central team conducted interviews with blind participants and zoomed in with the proctor of the exam site at SMAN 1 Tabalong,” he said. (admin)