Following up on the ULM Chancellor’s Circular Letter No. 2536/UN8/KU/2021 dated 8 June 2021 regarding Implementation of Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 25 of 2020, the Dean issued Circular Letter Number 0501/UN8.1.2/KU.01.02/2022 dated 11 August 2022 regarding 50% UKT Return for Students. Based on this circular, students can be given a UKT fee refund of 50% provided that they are at least in semester 9 (nine) and taking courses less than or equal to 6 (six) credits in the odd semester of 2022/2023 with the provisions,
- Final year students who meet the requirements and send the required files, and
- The Study Program verifies the data sent by students, then sends a list of students (MS Excel) who meet these requirements collectively