Jakarta – In an effort to adjust the development of the higher education curriculum as well as prepare to participate in international accreditation, a number of Study Program (PS) managers and lecturers at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) attended Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum training, especially on curriculum assessment. This activity was held on June 13, 2024 starting at 09.00 WIB in the Smart Calssroom of the Faculty of Education (FIP), State University of Jakarta (UNJ). The resource persons for the training were the Vice Dean for General and Financial Affairs of FIP UNJ, Aip Badrujaman and FIP UNJ lecturer, Khaerudin. After the training, a number of PSs also signed the Implementation of Cooperation (IA) document between PS FKIP ULM and FIP UNY.
PS managers and lecturers who participated in this activity included PS Mathematics Education; PS Chemistry Education, PS Physics Education, PS Geography Education, PS Pancasila and Citizenship Education PS Indonesian Language and Literature Education, PS English Education, and PS Counseling Guidance. The managers were accompanied by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FKIP ULM, Ali Rachman and the team of Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH) FKIP ULM chaired by Emma Rosana Febriyanti. The group of managers and PS lecturers were welcomed directly by the Dean of FIP UNJ, Murni Winarsih; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Wirda Hanim; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Aip Badrujaman; and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Murti Kusuma.
In the presentation of training materials, one of the speakers, Khaerudin, conveyed about the assessment in the OBE curriculum. According to him, assessment is based on criteria, meaning that students are assessed based on achievements against the outcomes that have been determined.
has been determined. Graduate achievement is measured through 3 assessments, namely (1) Program Educational Objectives (PEO) which is measured after 4-5 years post-graduation. PEO is a statement that describes the career and professional achievements that the program prepares graduates to achieve; (2) Program Outcomes (PO) or CPL (Graduate Learning Outcomes) which are statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do upon graduation; and (3) Course Outcomes (CO) or CPMK (Course Learning Outcomes) which are measurable parameters that evaluate the performance of each student for each course taken by students in each semester.
According to Khaerudin further, CO has 2 assessment methods, namely direct assessment such as test assessment, essay or paper work assessment, laboratory work assessment, exam question assessment, project assessment, exhibition or performance assessment, presentation assessment, and others. Indirect assessment includes surveys, exit interviews, Focus Group Discussions ( FGDs), job placement/program completion rates, course evaluations. (admin)