After Debriefing, FETT ULM is Ready to Release Students Overseas


Joint Photo of MBKM Overseas Program Students with ULM Leaders at the Independence Day Celebration, August 17 (doc. MBKM Unit)
Photo with Debriefing (doc. MBKM Unit)

Ten students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) are ready to be released abroad after attending a debriefing held by the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka Unit (MBKM) FKIP ULM. The debriefing was held in the third week of August in the Smartclass Room MBKM and was attended by students participating in the SEA (South East Asia) Teacher program, which is a student exchange program in Southeast Asia in which FKIP ULM has participated since 2017 as well as participants in the Humanitarian Project program of the Indonesian State University Rectors Assembly (MRPTNI).

The students are Muhammad Bintang Putera Gemilang from the History Education Study Program, Hunafa Silahil Barira from the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program, Suci Ella Noventi from the Geography Education Study Program, and Muhammad Riky Rahman from the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. These four students joined the MRPTNI Humanitarian Project program to Inti University, Malaysia. Meanwhile, students who participated in the SEA Teacher program were Muhammad Salman ‘Anshari Rizky from Computer Education, Gya Noza Talenta Maharani from Natural Science Education, Amanda Amalia Asyifa from Guidance and Counseling, Muhammad Iqbal Wahyudi from Performing Arts Education, Regina Miaza Savitri from Special Education, and Muhammad Hafizhi from Performing Arts Education. These six students will go to UIC (University of Immaculate Conception)/ ISAT (Iloilo Science and Technology University), Philippines.

According to the head of the MBKM Unit, Raisa Fadilla, the debriefing that the 10 students received included micro-learning (August 23 and 26), English and Ethics & Culture (August 27), and Psychology material (August 30). “Alhamdulillah, the debriefing went well. Hopefully, the departure process and activities in the destination country will also run smoothly,” he said. Regarding the IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) program student from FKIP, Muhammad Arsyad who is a student of the English Education Study Program, his debriefing has been carried out by the ULM Rectorate. Arsyad will study briefly at Universiti Malaya, Malaysia in September.

Congratulations on undergoing a new experience for the students of the MBKM program outside the country. Hopefully it will be smooth and successful. (admin)