Banjarmasin – On January 7 2023, the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PS PGSD) of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) celebrated the anniversary or anniversary of the birth of PS PGSD. This activity was attended by the Chancellor of ULM, Prof. Dr. Ahmad, S.E., M.Sc.; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Atiek Winarti, M.Pd., M.Sc.; Head of PS PGSD Development and Quality Assurance Team, Prof. Drs. Ahmad Suriansyah, M.pd., Ph.D.; member of the development team and quality assurance PS PGSD, Prof. Dr. Hj. Aslamiah, M.Pd., Ph.D.; Head of PS PGSD, Dr. Noorhafizah, S.T., M.Pd.; Secretary and financial manager of PS PGSD, Quality Assurance Group (GPM) PS PGSD, and all lecturers and students of PS PGSD.
The Anniversary activity in the form of a leisurely walk or fun walk starts at 6.30. After the Chancellor officially opened, all the participants started to walk casually. This leisure walk was accompanied by the performance of the Raga Buana ULM Student Activity Unit (UKM) Marching Band. The leisurely walking route starts from the PGSD campus to the rectorate, continues walking to the Poliban then towards the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) to the Postgraduate area and ends at the ULM open space. The program continued with joint exercise, after which the participants took a break. The event started again by listening to remarks from the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FKIP ULM and closed with remarks by the Chancellor of ULM as well as cutting the tumpeng as an expression of gratitude for the longevity of PS PGSD which has reached the age of 30. After cutting the tumpeng, the committee distributed ice cream and held a free bazaar. The committee also distributed various door prizes according to the needs of students, such as fans, irons, Teflon pans, drinking bottles, household furniture, and 2 main door prizes, namely 1 washing machine and 1 mountain bike.
Regarding this activity, the head of PS PGSD, Dr. Noorhafizah expressed her gratitude. “I hope that the implementation of this anniversary will bring students to continue to remember how the PGSD PS was founded, so that students will always remember history, and also provide opportunities for students to perform in organizing even big activities, stocked up later they will go to school.” Thus his confession. (admin)