Banjarmasin – Eight educators (lecturers) of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) batch 3 batch 1 who have officially received a Decree (SK) of appointment as lecturers at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), will undergo PPPK orientation training at the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Employee Training Center, Depok, West Java from Sunday, February 25 to Saturday, March 2, 2024. They are Akhmad Amirudin, Indah Mi’ratun Nisa, Muhammad Muhaimin, Ramadhan Arifin, Sulistyo Rini, Sumiati, Syaripudin Bahar, and Tenty Jahrina Ramly.
Before departure, they received a briefing from the Dean of FETT, Sunarno Basuki in his room on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, starting at 14.00 WITA. in his briefing, Sunarno Basuki reminded the lecturers to expand their network, especially to help strengthen their beloved institution. He also hopes that lecturers will be active in carrying out tridarma, especially in writing scientific articles to be published in reputable journals, and most importantly, according to the Dean, they should always be grateful for the favors and goodness given and willing to share with others.
Ramadhan Arifin, one of the PPPK lecturers who attended this briefing expressed his gratitude for his official appointment. He is committed in the future to be active in the implementation of tridarma both in the fields of teaching, research, and community service. He will also try to help improve the quality of the study program. “I love soccer. My commitment in the field of sports because I am a lecturer in Physical Education, one of which is to increase my work in soccer. I am currently active in Liga 2 PSSI Pawnshop as a Match Commissioner and hope that in the future my work in this field will be maximized even more,” he said enthusiastically.
To the eight PPPK lecturers who will undergo orientation training, congratulations on joining the big family of FKIP ULM academicians. We look forward to your work and dedication. (admin)