FETT ULM & Central Kalimantan Provincial Disdik Agree on Cooperation Agreement


Joint Photo of FKIP ULM and Central Kalimantan Provincial Disdik
Guests from the Central Kalimantan Provincial Education Office

Banjarmasin – Monday, February 5, 2024, the leadership of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) received a visit from the Central Kalimantan Provincial Education Office (Disdik) in the context of cooperation talks in the field of education. Welcoming as the host, including the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rahman; Head of General Affairs, Ani Isdiati Basri; Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH), Emma Rosana Febriyanti; Secretary of UPKH for Cooperation, Dewi Dewantara; Secretary of Public Relations, Dewi Alfianti; Head of Academic Subdivision, Akmil Fuadi Rahman; Head of Finance and Personnel, Ida Auliani; Head of General and BMN, Isnawati; Head of Student Affairs and Alumni, Rabiatul Adawiyah; lecturers in the Special Education Study Program (PS), Imam Yuwono, Amka, Utomo, Mirnawati, and PS PKh administrative staff; UPKH admin, Imelda Indah Savitri & Muhammad Naufal Yaasir; academic staff, Raden Gilang Kresna Bayu, and other subdivision staff. The Central Kalimantan Disdik was represented by the Head of Special Education, Roslita and staff, Jambri, Jafar Sodiq, and Asi Sriwidiastuty.

The cooperation agreed upon in this talk includes the provision of a special class of cooperation for Non-Permanent Teachers (GTT) under the Central Kalimantan Disdik to get S-1 PKh education at FKIP ULM. In her presentation, Roslita outlined the background of the collaboration, where difficulties are often experienced by the Central Kalimantan Disdik in recruiting teachers for students with special needs, almost all of whom do not have a background in special education studies. As a solution to this problem, the Central Kalimantan Disdik plans to educate around 229 GTT in stages at FKIP ULM’s PKh PS for the S-1 cooperation class program.

Sunarno Basuki as the Dean welcomed this collaboration. According to him, if this cooperation class is really needed by the GTT, then it should be immediately organized. In addition, this program is in line with the FETT development plan in opening special classes that help expand access to higher education for the community. He also said that the technicalities will be discussed between the Central Kalimantan Disdik, the faculty, and PS PKh as the organizer in the field. The faculty will facilitate the procurement of the class including the formal legal aspects of its implementation.

The PS PKh party, represented by Imam Yuwono, conveyed the technical implementation which would pay attention to the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) of the GTT who had previously graduated from S-1 non-PKh. A number of courses that can be recognized will be recognized in order to accelerate and facilitate the studies of the GTT. Jambri, one of the staff mentioned that for phase 1 there will be around 130 new prospective students from GTT who are ready to study at the S-1 PS PKh FKIP ULM. Both parties also agreed that the technical implementation would be immediately arranged so that the lecture could be held immediately. (admin)

Meeting atmosphere