FETT ULM Cooperates with DSI UT on ICT Benchmarking Activities


Ceremonial Signing of Cooperation Agreement Documents (doc. ICT)
Discussion atmosphere (doc. ICT)

Jakarta – Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dharmono and the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) team of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on September 5, 2024 conducted a cooperation visit as well as benchmarking activities to the Directorate of Information Systems (DSI) of the Open University (UT).

The activity was held in the Brahma Room of Prof. Setiaji Building, UT Center, South Tangerang. The group was welcomed by the Director of the UT Directorate of Information Systems (DSI), Muhammad Rif’an who is also a lecturer at the UT Faculty of Science and Technology. In addition to Muhammad Rif’an, the group was also received by other UT DSI staff.

After the opening by remarks from both parties, the signing of the Cooperation Agreement document between FKIP ULM represented by Dharmono and UT represented by Muhammad Rif’an. The next activity was the benchmarking, guided by the Head of Administration (TU) DSI, Muhammad Novan Billiranto. In this session, the material presentation was delivered by the DSI team, including the Head of the System Security and Audit Division, Agung Wicaksono and his Assistant Manager, Iswaya Maalik Syahrani.

According to the Head of ICT, Nuruddin Wiranda, this activity is necessary to fulfill the needs of ICT FKIP ULM to study the governance of information technology, networks and learning media management as a future reference in its implementation at FKIP ULM. “Especially with the new program in PPG (Teacher Professional Education) for certain teachers where students will be asked to carry out asynchronous Learning Management System (LMS)-based online lectures like lectures at UT, efforts to learn this management from other parties become more urgent,” added ICT Secretary, Muhammad Sa’addudien Khair.

According to other ICT staff, Ponco Sisworo and Muhammad Naufal Yaasir, from the results of the discussion it is known that both IT governance, infrastructure and learning media management can be carried out well if there is proper coordination between the unit that handles it, namely ICT with other units that need it. In addition, there are good practices from DSI UT that can be used as a reference by FKIP ULM , namely NOC (Network Operation Center), Data Center & DRC (Disaster Recovery Center).

In addition, to overcome problems such as cyber attacks from outside parties, a commitment is needed to maintain one-door security through ICT alone, so that any development that other units want to do must go through the control carried out by the ICT team. In addition to securities or security issues, this is also done so that technological adaptations made to developments that occur are easy to do.

All implementation of activities related to technology development both hardware and software within DSI UT follows the ISO 27001 standard so that all activities from planning, procurement to implementation have auditors who are ready to audit every activity carried out by DSI UT. Regarding network devices, all network devices at DSI UT are controlled with strict control and in an orderly manner established according to ISO 270001 standards. This can be seen in the backup electricity supply which is not only from PLN electricity, but has prepared backup electricity from other devices that are specialized only for network devices so that the services provided to all UT DS service users are not hampered.

Group Photo (doc. ICT)