Banjarmasin – The Year-End Meeting (RAT) of the Tricivitas Akademika Cooperative of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) is an annual activity for all cooperative members. As in previous years, this activity was busy and lively. The event was held on Thursday, February 22, 2024 in Hasan Bondan Hall starting at 08.30 WITA. The main agenda of the RAT is the annual report from the management, discussion sessions, door prize sessions or drawing lots to get gifts, and SHU (Remaining Business Results) distribution sessions. The door prize session is the members’ favorite session. The drawing of lots to get gifts attracted the members.
According to the head of the Tricivitas cooperative of FKIP ULM, Mariatul Kiptiah, from the 2023 report, the SHU of members increased by 1.01%. She hopes that in the future, member participation can be even better so that the cooperative can run well. Responding to input regarding the review of the Articles of Association and By-Laws (AD/ART), Mariatul said that her party would immediately follow up. Meanwhile, related to the 2024 plan, one of the cooperative businesses that will be developed is the commercial provision of alkah. (admin)