FETT ULM Geography Education Student Wins 2024 Pilmapres


Banjarmasin – This year, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) once again organized the selection of outstanding students (Pilmapres) at the faculty level where the main winners will participate in the selection at the university level. The activity was held at the Utility Building of FKIP ULM on Monday, February 26, 2024 starting at 09.00 and ending around 15.00 WITA. Study Programs (PS) are asked to send their student representatives who are considered outstanding by depositing student names along with the documents needed in the selection process such as presentation works with the theme Society 5.0 For Sustainable Development Goals, as well as achievement documents both academic and non-academic.

There were 18 students who participated in this outstanding student selection. They are Ipah Yuan Dana from Sociology Education, Rahimah from Social Science Education, Alyana Salsabila from Mathematics Education, Dina Alawiyah from Biology Education, Raihanah Zulfah from Physics Education, Rosita Dewi Cahaya from Chemistry Education, Laila Munajat from Performing Arts Education, Raiza Sukma Ningsih from Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Muhammad Rizal from Educational Technology, Najwa Shabrina Dinanty from Counseling Education, Ezer Ayusalin Nazara from Geography Education; Davina Azizah from Science Education, Fahdina Qanitah from English Education, Yanor from Economics Education, Marpuah from Early Childhood Teacher Education, Yogie Prayoga from Computer Education, Syari Wulan Safitri from Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Dian Fitriani from Elementary School Teacher Education.

The selection activity is divided into three parts of the assessment process with the assessment team of FKIP ULM lecturers: Mastur, Riandy Agusta, and Nuruddin Wiranda for creative ideas assessment; Dian Agus Ruchliyadi for achievement portfolio assessment, and Nasrullah for English proficiency assessment. The students who won the Pilmapres this time were Muhammad Kamil Ridha from PS PPKn as the 3rd winner, Muhammad Diki Saputra from PS PGSD as the 2nd winner, and Ezer Ayusalin Nazara from PS Geography Education as the 1st winner. Congratulations to the winners, hopefully inspiring others and good luck in the next stage. (admin)