FETT ULM Graduates 1040 Students for the 5th Judicium of the Year 2024


Group photo in the morning session
Group photo in the afternoon session

Banjarmasin – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) on Saturday, August 3, 2024 held the 5th Yudisium of 2024. The event was held at ULM’s General Theater Building. The Yudisium was opened by the Dean of FETT ULM, Sunarno Basuki and attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman; Head of General Affairs, Ani Isdiati Basri; Department heads and Study Program Coordinators (Korprodi) within FETT ULM or their representatives, as well as 1040 students who graduated in this judicium procession.

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki, congratulated the students on their graduation. He also apologized on behalf of FKIP ULM regarding services in learning that might be considered not optimal and hoped that in the future he could continue to serve well. he also hopes that the alumni will remember more good and fun things on this campus. The Professor of Physical Education also hopes that the alumni can immediately live independently and be enthusiastic in finding job opportunities which means they must be active outside the home, not just at home.

Regarding the number of participants who reached more than a thousand people, the Yudisium this time was divided into 2 sessions, namely the morning session starting at 09.00 to 11.30 WITA, and the afternoon session starting at 11.30-16.00 WITA. The morning session was filled with a graduation procession for students of the History Education Study Program (PS) with 39 graduates, PS Pancasila and Citizenship Education with 18 graduates, PS Economics Education with 49 graduates, PS Sociology Education with 33 graduates, PS Geography Education with 18 graduates, PS Social Science Education with 14 graduates, PS Indonesian Language and Literature Education with 25 graduates; English Education with 57 graduates, Performing Arts Education with 40 graduates, Mathematics Education with 41 graduates, Biology Education with 53 graduates, Chemistry Education with 28 graduates; Physics Education with 25 graduates, Natural Science Education with 8 graduates, Computer Education with 27 graduates, and Physical Education with 62 graduates. In the afternoon session, the graduation procession was carried out for 32 graduates of Counseling Guidance Study Program, 288 graduates of Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, 106 graduates of Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program, 35 graduates of Special Education Study Program, and 42 graduates of Educational Technology Study Program. Thus, 21 undergraduate study programs in FKIP ULM graduated their students.

In this graduation, the three best graduates of FKIP ULM were Siti Radiati Salima from PS PGSD with a GPA of 3, 973 as the 1st best; Rizki Amalia Putri from PS Biology Education with a GPA of 3, 961 as the 2nd best; and Khairiati Olfah from PS PGSD with a GPA of 3,958 as the 3rd best.

Congratulations to the scholars. Good luck in the future. (admin)

Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki Gives the Opening Speech
Gordon Graduation Procession for History Education Study Program Students by the Head of JPIPS, Sidharta Adyatma and Korprodi Sejarah, Melisa Prawitasari