Banjarmasin – Ahead of the plan to upload Self-Assessment Report (SAR) documents from 9 Study Programs (PS) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), the leadership of FKIP ULM together with the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) carried out Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities related to the preparation of this SAR document. The participants invited in this activity were the PS managers and the ACQUIN International Accreditation task force team for each PS. This activity was held on Saturday-Sunday, August 17-18, 2024 at Pyramid Hotel starting at 13.00 on the first day and at 08.30 on the second day. The 9 PS in question are PS History Education, PS Economics Education, PS Sociology Education, PS Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn), PS Geography Education, PS Social Science Education (IPS), PS Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI), PS Performing Arts Education (PSP), and PS English Language Education (PBI).
The event was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty and was also attended by the Vice Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman; Head of UPM, Ananda Setiawan and his team. In the opening, Deasy expressed her appreciation for the willingness of the Korprodi and the task force team to attend on holidays. “Free, but working,” she said briefly and meaningfully.
This two-day activity focused on filling out the SAR by both the UPM team and the PS level task force. After the technical briefing, all activities were directed to compile the SAR and the supporting documents. According to the Head of UPM, Ananda, this FGD is a series of preparations for the International accreditation process that has been carried out by FKIP ULM. The target of this activity is to prepare SAR documents to be reviewed by LPMPP (Institute for Quality Assurance and Learning Development) ULM and from external ULM. “Furthermore, the management of the Faculty and Study Program will continue to complete other related documents, so that the hope of achieving the first international accreditation in FKIP ULM will be realized.
Meanwhile, Korprodi PS History Education, Melisa Prawitasari expressed her gratitude for the activities facilitated by this faculty. “Alhamdulillah, we from the History Education Study Program have filled in the data in the FKIP version of the SAR file requested by the UPM, although it is not 100% full because we still need supporting evidence for the data. Thank you to the UPM and the faculty for facilitating the FGD for the preparation of this SAR file. As stated by WD 2, the purpose of this FGD is so that the SAR file is filled in, even though it is not 100% for later review by the narrators from Bengkulu University, “he said.
Melisa also stated that the direction and explanation from the head of UPM when filling out the SAR was very clear. This clear direction made her team together with teams from other PSs able to reach a common perception regarding data content or format so that it is hoped that the data filling is correct. (admin)