Forkom WD-2 FKIP meeting across Indonesia discusses PPG management


Group photo (doc. Dharmono)

Solo – The Communication Forum (Forkom) of Vice Deans for General and Financial Affairs of Faculties of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) throughout Indonesia held at Novotel Hotel Surakarta on July 12-14, 2024 was attended by the Vice Dean for General and Financial Affairs of FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Dharmono. He was accompanied by the Head of the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (Korprodi), Hidayah Ansori; and PPG financial manager, Jayadi. This activity was held starting at 08.00 WIB with two main agendas, namely the WD 2 (General and Finance) meeting which was also attended by Dharmano and the discussion of PPG Forkom FKIP managers throughout Indonesia which was attended by Hidayah Ansori and Jayadi.

The main discussions in this meeting included four things, namely (1) funding strategies for achieving Key Performance Indicators (IKU) and international accreditation, (2) PPG quality assurance, (3) management of pre-service and in-service PPG funds, and (4) PPG financial accountability. Some important things in the discussion of the meeting include the budgeting of PPG funds directly managed by the faculty, the determination of PPG funds for institutional development at least 10%, and a decrease in the budget cost per PPG participant.

According to Dharmono, in order to achieve the target of completing PPG both pre-service and daljab in 2028, in 2024 the recruitment scheme for PPG participants, especially daljab, will be significantly increased so that in one wave the number of participants can be many times the usual, on the other hand to compensate, the number of meetings as well as the amount of participant fees per person will be reduced.

At this meeting, the leadership of Forkom FKIP throughout Indonesia was also elected for WD-2 with Ervan Johan Wicaksana from Jambi State University as chairman. Meanwhile, Dharmono as WD-2 FKIP ULM was appointed as a member of the Development, Planning, and Finance Division. Hopefully the new board can carry out the mandate well. (admin)