Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Encouraging the Spirit of Academic Competition, Science Education PS FKIP ULM Holds Debate Competition


The atmosphere of the competition (doc. committee)
The winners (doc. committee)

Banjarmasin – In an effort to encourage the spirit of academic competition for students as well as to support the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU), the Study Program (PS) of Natural Science Education (PIPA), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a national level debate competition with the theme “Fostering Critical Thinking Skills of Students who have the spirit of Pancasila and Entrepreneurship in Building Nationalism”. This competition took place in Hall 4 of the Student Activity Center (SAC) General Utility Building ULM.

The event was opened by Syubhan Annur, the Coordinator of PS (Korprodi) PS PIPA. In his speech, Syubhan emphasized the importance of debate activities in training critical thinking skills and national spirit among students. In line with that, in her speech, the Chairperson of the Committee as well as the Student Affairs Advisor of PS PIPA, Rizky Febriyani Putri also said that in competing the participants uphold sportsmanship. “Hopefully this debate competition will become a forum to hone critical thinking, analytical, and persuasive argumentation skills, especially for FKIP students throughout Indonesia,” she said.

The competition was attended by 10 teams from two universities, ULM and Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Antasari. The participants competed fiercely in the preliminary round to show their ability to debate and deliver solid arguments. Serving as judges in this competition, ULM FKIP lecturers, Nurul Huda and Aulia Novitasari, as well as Desy Purwasih, a lecturer at the State University of Jogjakarta (UNJ). The assessment was carried out based on the ability to analyze, the accuracy of the argument, and the strength of the rhetoric of each team.

The teams that won included the Civic Wonder Team from the Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) FKIP ULM, consisting of Muhammad Tahmidillah, Nursyifa Yulianti, and Ahmad Syaiba as the first winner. The Science Team from the Science Education Department of FKIP ULM, consisting of Dessi Nur Anggraeni, Khairunnida, and Anna Selpia as the 2nd winner. Uno English 22 Team from the English Education Department of FKIP ULM, consisting of Muhammad Faqih Muqaddam, Alya Syawalita Putri, and Muhammad Fari Rofif as the 3rd winner.

The event which took place since 10.00 WITA was interesting. During the competition, the atmosphere was dynamic and full of enthusiasm. Each team of three people argued about the motions that had been set before. One of the motions that attracted attention and became a heated debate was about openness to foreign investment as the main key to Indonesia’s inclusive and sustainable economic growth. This motion challenged participants to critically examine aspects of Indonesia’s economy and investment policies.

One member of the winning team, Muhammad Tahmidillah said, “We think this activity provides positive value of course for all circles because it is a medium of discussion in discussing a problem that occurs in society. From here, our role as the next generation is to realize justice and equality in society, which in turn has significant problems. Therefore, it is necessary to have this activity as a form of cultivating critical thinking towards various things that happen around it.” (writing contributor: committee)


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