Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Peksimida 1st Winner, FETT Students Represent ULM to Peksiminas UNJ


First winner of Peksimida in the short story writing category, Risma Liyanti and playwriting, Shinta Salsa Bella from SP PSBI FKIP ULM (doc. Risma)
First place in the dance competition, the dance team from PSP FKIP ULM (doc. Sherly Nur Hikmah)
1st place in the vocal group competition from FKIP and other faculties at ULM (doc. Sherly Nur Hikmah)

After being held at the faculty and university levels, the Student Art Week (Peksima) which is a routine biennial program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) conducted a selection at the provincial level in the Regional Student Art Week (Peksimida). This activity was held from June 5-14 at a number of universities in South Kalimantan (Kalsel).

On June 5-6 at Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), group vocal and dance competitions were held. On June 11-12 at the Islamic University of Kalimantan (Uniska), pop and seriosa singing competitions were held. On June 12 at Sari Mulia University, poetry reading, media design, and social campaign poster design competitions were held. On June 12, a painting and comic strip competition was also held at Kesdam Vi Polytechnic in Banjarmasin. On June 12-13 at Tanah Laut Polytechnic, dangdut singing and keroncong singing competitions were held. On June 13-14, monologue, short story writing, poetry writing, play writing, and photography competitions were held at Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin.

ULM’s Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) students who won first place and will represent South Kalimantan to take part in the National Student Art Week (Peksiminas) at Jakarta State University (UNJ) next September are the winning team of the dance competition (Putri Indriyani, Adinda Firda Syahtari, Krisna Putri Kelana, Linda Agustina Saputri, Maila Bilqies, Cita Bunga Lestari, and Nur Lu’lu’ah) who are all students of the Performing Arts Education Study Program; the winning team of the vocal group competition which is a combination of FKIP and other faculties at ULM (Alvino Tumanggor, Octafianus Pangumpia Dumaha, Arminah, Eka Mayanti Maulida, Abdullah Samad Ilham, Lintang Eka Rahardian, and Dhea Khairiyah); the winner of the short story writing competition, Risma Liyanti and the winner of the play writing competition, Sinta Salsabella who are students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) Study Program (PS).

Congratulations to the winners, good luck in the next stage for the glory of FKIP ULM. (admin)

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