Banjarmasin – Taking place in the meeting room of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (JPMIPA), the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education through the Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH) held a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) signing event between partner school principals and FKIP ULM regarding the implementation of Merdeka Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) Teaching Assistance. Unlike the previous years where collaboration with partner schools was for the implementation of PPL (Field Experience Practice), this year PPL was merged as a recognition subject for Teaching Assistance MBKM which was implemented with a different pattern. Even though they were different, the response to the invitation that was present was very good.
In this activity, 59 PKS were signed between FKIP ULM and partner schools in the areas of Banjarmasin City, Banjarbaru City, Batola Regency, and Banjar Regency. Among the schools that conducted PKS with FKIP ULM were SD IT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin, SDN 1 Landasan Ulin Barat, SLB A Negeri 3 Martapura, SMPN 15 Banjarmasin, SMPN 3 Banjarbaru, SMP Santa Maria Banjarmasin, MA Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, MAN 1 Banjarmasin, SMK Telkom Banjarbaru, SMAN 1 Rantau Badauh, SMAN 1 Martapura, and a number of other schools.
According to Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Atiek Winarti, the Teaching Assistance scheme is different from PPL, “There are two student periods on campus, and two student periods to school. Each period uses a different learning method, project based and problem based,” he said. The Dean of FKIP ULM, Chairil Faif Pasani added that students would be at school full time because their courses in this semester were recognized in the Teaching Assistance MBMK program. “We hope that the school can accept our students well and they can adapt to the school culture,” he added. (admin)