Banjarmasin – Wednesday, December 13, 2023, for the first time, the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a judicium for students who had graduated from the Pre-Service PPG in 2023 and officially received a professional degree, S.Pd., Gr. This activity was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) ULM from 08.00-12.00 WITA. The Yudisium was opened by the Dean of FETT ULM, Sunarno Basuki and attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono; Head of the PPG Study Program, Hidayah Anshori; secretary of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI), Abdul Rifa’i who also guided the oath of the teacher’s professional position; the heads of study programs in FKIP ULM whose fields of study graduated Pre-Service PPG students; and attended mainly by the judges.
In this graduation, PS PPG FKIP ULM successfully graduated 593 alumni with the following details, from PPG Pre-Service wave 1 in 2022: Field of Study (BS) Indonesian Language 4 people; BS English 20 people; BS Biology 21 people; BS Economics 5 people; BS Physics 3 people; BS Geography 5 people; BS Natural Sciences (IPA) 6 people; BS Social Sciences (IPS) 2 people; BS Chemistry 6 people; BS Mathematics 15 people; BS Early Childhood Teacher Education (PG-PAUD) 12 people; BS Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) 130 people; BS Physical Education and Health 14 people; BS Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PKn) 8 people; BS History 6 people; and BS Sociology 1 person. The total number of pre-service PPG graduates in wave 1 in 2022 is 258 people.
Meanwhile, from PPG Pre-service wave 2 in 2022: Field of Study (BS) Indonesian 8 people; BS English 34 people; BS Biology 25 people; BS BK (Guidance & Counseling) 13 people; BS Economics 10 people; BS Physics 9 people; BS Geography 4 people; BS Natural Sciences (IPA) 9 people; BS Social Sciences (IPS) 2 people; BS Chemistry 5 people; BS Mathematics 16 people; BS Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) 164 people; BS Physical Education and Health 16 people; BS Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PKn) 8 people; BS History 5 people; BS Sociology 3 people. The total number of pre-service PPG graduates in batch 2 in 2022 is 331 people. FETT ULM Pre-Service PPG graduates were also added from the retaker route, namely from BS English 1 person; BS Natural Science (IPA) 1 person; BS Early Childhood Teacher Education (PG-PAUD) 2 people with a total of 4 people. Thus, the total number of graduates is 593 people.
In his remarks, the Dean of FETT ULM, Sunarno Basuki, expressed his joy that FETT ULM has graduates from the teaching profession program so that it can be said that FETT ULM really produces teachers professionally. He hopes that in the future the graduates can really become professional teachers.
On the other hand, regarding the preparation for the first time for the Pre-Service PPG graduation, the Head of the General and BMN Subdivision, Isnawati, stated that her party had prepared the event well even though the preparation time was very short. “Because we are used to organizing activities like this, we did not experience many difficulties. The committee has been divided efficiently as needed,” she said.
Congratulations to the alumni, the professional teachers. Hopefully, they can inspire and nurture. (admin)