Pontianak – Panca Bakti University, Pontianak, West Kalimantan held a workshop or training on Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum on Wednesday-Thursday, July 3-4, 2024 by presenting the main speaker, Professor of Chemistry Education Study Program (PS), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), Atiek Winarti. The event was attended by 80 lecturers from various study programs within UPB. Meanwhile, the moderator of this training was UPB Professor, Rahmatullah Rizieq, who is also the Chair of the UPB Quality Assurance Agency.
The main objective of this activity is to develop a new OBE-based curriculum document, develop Semester Learning Plans (RPS) for each course taught by trainee lecturers, and design innovative learning programs so that students get an extraordinary learning experience. In addition, this training also aims to develop measurable assessments to ensure the achievement of the established Graduate Learning Outcomes (LLOs).
According to Atiek, UPB is a private university that is currently striving to become big. The university has established domestic and international partnerships. Several new Study Programs (PS) were also established and attracted many new students so that the number of students has increased in recent years. The leadership’s commitment to UPB’s progress is supported by all academics. This is shown by their seriousness in participating in activities. The vice-chancellors, heads of institutions, post-directors, all Korprodi and all lecturers participated in this training activity from the first day until it was completed on the second day.
“The discussion was lively in each PS. The number of questions asked by the participants showed great curiosity about OBE and thank God it could be explained well. The mandatory output in the form of RPS requested by the committee was also successfully completed by the participants according to the specified time limit,” she said. According to Atiek, there is actually quite a lot of information on the internet about the OBE Curriculum, but often this information is not fully in accordance with what is needed in the field. This training shows a strong commitment to the implementation of the OBE curriculum by UPB.
Atiek feels that she gained valuable experience by becoming a resource person at UPB. “It’s great to be able to share with friends on other campuses. The post test results showed an increase of more than 75% in participants’ understanding. I also learned more about how to deal with many people with different characters. This kind of sharing activity is very necessary as a step of self-introspection for me personally so that I can increase my contribution to ULM. Not just delivering but also implementing,” he added. (admin)