Banjarmasin – As the final part of the Leadership Project lecture process, in groups all students of the Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) wave 1 in 2023, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held an exhibition of leadership project work. There were 30 groups from 6 PPG study fields that participated in this exhibition, namely 15 groups from the field of Natural Sciences (IPA), 6 groups from the field of Social Sciences (IPS), 3 groups from the field of Mathematics, 3 groups from the field of Civic Education (PKn), 2 groups from the field of Counseling Guidance (BK), and 1 group from the field of Indonesian Language. The activity was held on May 25, 2024 at the Tumpang Lima Field of FKIP ULM.
In this activity, students exhibited the output of the Leadership Project Course. In this MK, students gradually and in groups carry out an activity project, starting from formulating project ideas, formulating stages of implementing project ideas, dividing tasks, preparing proposals until the project is implemented and ending with an exhibition of project results. According to the secretary of PS PPG, Mohammad Dani Wahyudi, this exhibition activity in addition to exhibiting the results of the project is also an accountability or exam with lecturers and teacher examiners. “In this activity, students display many works, some are in the form of products such as ice cream from siam lime, sasirangan cloth, resin material accessories, typical banjar food packaging, decorative tanggui, environmentally friendly bags and so on. In addition, there are also exhibitions in the form of learning models and methods such as methods and models of mathematics learning, Indonesian language learning and counseling guidance services) and social services of Ramadan pesantren, “he explained.
According to the Coordinator of the PPG PS, Hidayah Ansori, the Leadership Project MK seeks to bring out the potential of each individual as an extraordinary leader. Through this course, especially this exhibition activity, students are expected to foster competence in identifying and developing unique leadership strengths in themselves, practicing effective communication skills, and managing conflict wisely, to apply the concept of leadership in the context of real life.
In line with that, Syubhan Annur, the supervisor lecturer in the field of science also saw that this activity could train the leadership spirit of PS PPG students as a provision for them when they were appointed as professional teachers. “PS IPA is very supportive of this activity so that in the future students will always remember that they have studied at FKIP ULM in the field of science and give a good impression where they will be placed,” he said.
Reza Syarif, one of the exhibiting students from the Indonesian Language study field explained the project they displayed. “The Indonesian Language group displays the work title of the leadership project TERDEPAN (Skilled with Pantun). Our group presented a pantun tree containing the works of pantun training participants and booth visitors. In addition, we exhibited documentation of activities and a 3-D mading. The preparation process for this showcase was done about a month after implementing the leadership project. The process began with preparing documentation of activities, social media, blogs, and event concepts for the showcase. Then, in the week leading up to the showcase, the preparation intensified by rearranging the rhyming tree, making the 3-D mading, and pasting photos of the activities on the mading board. On the day of the event, preparations were made by marking the location of the booths, dividing the roles of each member, and decorating the venue,” she explained. (admin)