Banjarmasin – Student and Alumni Subdivision of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Friday, 17 February 2023 starting at 09.30-11.00 WITA in the Hasan Bondan Hall FKIP ULM held an outreach program for improving the quality of student organizations (ormawa) FKIP ULM. This activity is a derivative activity from the same socialization carried out at the university level but with more specific target participants. In addition to socializing the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) program, the purpose of this activity is to also motivate and direct ormawa activists in preparing program proposals.
In this activity, 16 topics of community service were presented which became community empowerment projects by ormawa in order to improve the institutional quality of ormawa. The Ministry of Education and Culture itself in 2023 will allocate funds of around IDR 40,000,000 each plus matching funds for Higher Education (PT) for the 600 approved proposal titles. Each university is expected to send 1 PT proposal and 16 sub-proposals originating from ormawa proposals within PT. The 16 topics in question are (1) entrepreneurial village/kelurahan, (2) SMART Farming, (3) girls’ school, (4) digital village/kelurahan, (5) young farmer workshops, (6) toga conversion village, (7) digital waste house, (8) healthy village/kelurahan, (9) smart village/kelurahan, (10) climate village, (11) maritime village/kelurahan, (12) forest village, (13) arts and culture village, (14 ) sports village, (15) tourism village, (16) free topics. The resource persons in the delivery of this socialization material were the Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dwi Atmono, and the Coordinator of the Economic Education Study Program, Muhammad Rahmattullah.
Participants who attended this activity were ormawa administrators in the ULM FKIP environment such as the Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Representative Council (DPM), Student Activity Unit (UKM) Islamic Study Forum (FSI) Al Furqon, FKIP Teaching UKM, and a number of Associations Study Program Students; ormawa coaches, and other invitees.
According to Muhammad Ramadhani, head of UKM FKIP Teaching, this socialization activity is important for ormawa. According to him, this program can improve the quality of ormawa with support from various parties and can be an encouragement for ormawa in terms of community service. He hopes that later the proposal submitted by UKM FKIP Teaching can pass the selection. (admin)