Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Strengthening Teaching Motivation, FETT Teaching UKM Holds Teaching Training


Training atmosphere

Banjarmasin – The FKIP Teaching Student Activity Unit (UKM), which is a unit of activity at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a teaching training activity. The activity entitled Traning of Teacher 2024 aims to provide motivation as well as practical experience in teaching to its members. The activity with the theme “Improving the Quality of Prospective Educators Through Training of Teachers with UKM FKIP Teaching,” was held on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at Hasan Bondan Hall, FKIP ULM starting at 09.00 WITA.

Attending this activity was the supervisor of UKM FKIP Mengajar, Dewi Alfianti; as well as administrators and members totaling around 160 people. In his remarks, the chairman of FETT Teaching UKM, Muhammad Salman Anshari Rizky, expressed his appreciation for organizing this activity. According to him, this activity is one of the FKIP Menagajar work programs which aims to increase the understanding and commitment of members to the teaching profession. “Hopefully we can apply the knowledge gained today so that it can be applied in the future. So that we focus on developing ourselves as prospective educators,” he said.

The speakers who were asked to provide material in this activity were Dede Dewantara, a lecturer in the Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program (PS) FKIP ULM who is also the acting Principal of SDN Pelambuan 4 Banjarmasin; Danang Bagus Yudhistira, Deputy Director of the HAFECS Foundation; and Noor Laily Anggraini, FKIP Teaching Special Agent.

In his presentation, Dede Dewantara conveyed about the implementation of KOSP (Education Unit Operational Curriculum) and P5 (Pancasila Youth Profile Strengthening Project) which is the core of learning in schools today. In his explanation, he explained the focus of the independent curriculum, namely strengthening student character. According to him, there are five things that become the principles of KOSP, namely (1) learner-centered, (2) involving various parties, (3) essential, (4) accountable, and (5) contextual. (admin)

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