Audit of BMN Assets and ULM FKIP Supplies by the Public Accountant Office and the ULM Internal Supervisory Unit


The condition of the KAP audit at FKIP ULM

Banjarmasin – For a full day on Tuesday, 21 February 2023, the Public Accountant Office (KAP) appointed to audit Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) as the Public Service Agency (BLU) conducted an audit process for BMN assets (State Property) and goods supplies in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) ULM. The presence of the KAP led by Ridwan Saleh was accompanied by the ULM Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) chaired by Novita Wening Tyas Respati.

The activities were divided into three sessions, namely the BMN asset audit session, the inventory audit session and the BMN asset checking session and inventory items. The auditor team checked the goods procurement documents, checked the goods distributed throughout FKIP, and checked the goods distribution flow document. The audit results show that FKIP ULM has carried out procedures for maintaining and maintaining assets and inventory items properly. “The FKIP storage warehouse is also used as a pilot warehouse at ULM because we have made sturdy shelves so that goods are stored neatly and safely from the frequent floods,” said Isnawati, head of the general and BMN subdivision of FKIP ULM. Documentation of the flow of goods has also been carried out consistently, both in procurement and distribution. FKIP ULM uses goods request forms and goods loan forms so that the flow of goods in and out is monitored and controlled. (admin)