Banjarmasin – Tuesday, March 23, 2023, the Independent Campus Learning Unit (MBKM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) carried out a Teaching Assistance Socialization activity for tutor teachers for students participating in MBKM Teaching Assistance. This activity is held online through a zoom conference starting at 10.00 WITA. The socialization was attended by 224 participants, most of whom were tutors. This socialization was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, FKIP ULM, Atiek Winarti. After the remarks, the event continued with the presentation of the Teaching Assistance guide by the head of the MKBKM FKIP ULM unit, Jumariati. Meanwhile, technical matters related to the application were explained by the head of the FKIP ULM Information Communication Technology (ICT) unit, Novan Alkaf Bahraini Saputra.
This activity received a positive response from the tutors because it helped them understand the Teaching Assistance scheme, which felt new to them. In the interactive session, a number of teachers conveyed the learning conditions during Ramadan, which tended to be inactive, and some even had holidays. Responding to this, Jumariati stated that the faculty team had prepared a timeline according to the academic calendar, national education calendar & national holidays. “Because there are school exams and Ramadan holidays, teaching practices are carried out afterwards. Students can still carry out other activities, for example adapting technology in learning and administrative activities that do not have to be face to face with students in class,” he explained.
To further strengthen understanding and to open up more specific discussions with tutors, the Counseling Guidance Study Program (PS) also conducts similar outreach activities. This activity was held on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, via a zoom conference. (admin)