4th Undergraduate Judicium Degree in 2024 at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University


Group photo
The best graduate of the 4th graduation of FKIP ULM in 2024

Banjarmasin – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 held the 4th Yudisium of 2024. The event was held at the Lecture Theater FEB ULM. The Yudisium was opened by the Dean of FETT ULM, Sunarno Basuki and attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rahman; Head of General Affairs, Ani Isdiati Basri; Department heads and Study Program Coordinators (Korprodi) within FETT ULM or their representatives, as well as 219 students who graduated in the judicium procession this time. In this graduation, the three best graduates of FETT ULM were Muhammad Indra Al Kahfi from the Educational Technology Study Program with a GPA of 3.92 and a study period of 3 years and 8 months as the 3rd best; Muhammad Rizali Rachim also from the Educational Technology Study Program with a GPA of 3.92 and a study period of 3 years and 8 months as the 2nd best; and Muhammad Nuril Anwar from the English Education Study Program with a GPA of 3.94 and a study period of 3 years and 8 months as the 1st best.

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki expressed his appreciation for the success of the students in achieving graduation. He said that hopefully all graduates can be successful in the next stage of life. He also thanked the graduates for being part of the academic community of FETT ULM and apologized if there were mistakes in the process of educating and serving.

The graduates came from 19 PS in FKIP ULM, including from the Counseling Guidance PS as many as 20 people with the best graduate on behalf of Wennie Rosalinda, GPA 3.91; Indonesian Language and Literature Education PS (PBSI) as many as 13 people with the best graduate on behalf of Anisa, GPA 3.85; English Education PS as many as 12 people with the best graduate on behalf of Muhammad Nuril Anwar, GPA 3.94; PS Economics Education as many as 4 people with the best graduates on behalf of Rabiatul Aulia, GPA 3.70; PS Physics Education as many as 1 person with the best graduates on behalf of Raihanah Zulfah, GPA 3.70; PS Geography Education as many as 11 people with the best graduates on behalf of Ahmad Kamil, GPA 3.87; PS Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) as many as 1 person with the best graduates on behalf of Fitri Noorzainah, GPA 3, 79.

Science Education Study Program graduated 4 people with the best graduate named Dewi Suryani, GPA 3.83; Social Science Education Study Program 15 people with the best graduate named Yusup, GPA 3.84; Physical Education Study Program 39 people with the best graduate named Windi Yanur, GPA 3.84; PS Special Education as many as 8 people with the best graduate on behalf of Ariska Istiqomah Adhayani, GPA 3, 88; PS Chemistry Education as many as 16 peoplewith the best graduate on behalf of Mei Nur Safitri, GPA 3.64; PS Computer Education as many as 1 person with the best graduate on behalf of Maria Manurung, GPA 3.29; PS Mathematics Education as many as 2 people with the best graduate on behalf of Munna Azizah, GPA 3.43; PS Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) as many as 27 people with the best graduate on behalf of Salsa Aprilia, GPA 3.89; PS History Education as many as 19 people with the best graduate on behalf of Muhammad Rizky Rezaldi, GPA 3.77; PS Performing Arts Education (PSP) as many as 9 people with the best graduate on behalf of Muhammad Akmal, GPA 3.85; PS Sociology Education as many as 7 people with the best graduate on behalf of Muhammad Hijrah Maulana, GPA 3.78; and PS Educational Technology as many as 10 people with the best graduate on behalf of Muhammad Rizali Rachim, GPA 3.92. This Yudisium also successfully graduated students with special needs.

Congratulations to the graduates. Good luck in the future. (admin)

Special needs graduate with his father.