Banjarmasin – After a month of Educational Days activities in 2024, the Teaching FETT Student Activity Unit (UKM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held the closing of this activity on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at the General Building of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) ULM starting at 09.00 WITA. This activity was opened by the Head of the Education Science Department (JIP), Nina Permatasari, who represented the Dean of FKIP ULM and was attended by the Supervisor of FKIP Mengajar UKM, Dewi Alfianti; the judges of the competition, the winners of the competition, as well as members and administrators of FKIP Mengajar UKM.
In her opening remarks, Nina Permatasari reminded the importance of students as agents who play an important role in efforts to realize the Golden Indonesia in 2024, including student organizations. She advised Teaching FETT to continue to be creative and at the forefront of teaching.
A series of winners have received appreciation, including the first place winners are: (a) Serendipity Team (Rosinta Nur’Aisyah, Nurul Kamariah, Siti Fatimah) from ULM for learning media competition; (b) Abdul Holiq from ULM for poster competition; (c) Banjarmasin SMAN 5 Team (Akhmad Rizaldi, Sahda Nur Aisyah, Adinda Talitha Rafa) for quiz competition; (c) Rossa Adelia and Dela Aprilia Putri from Riau State University for essay competition; and (d) Hamnah from ULM for teaching competition. (admin)