Preparation for MBKM Internship 2024 FKIP ULM, MBKM Unit Holds FGD with Partners


Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki gave a speech at the opening session.
Group photo session

Banjarmasin – Regarding the plan for Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Independent Internship Faculty which will be implemented in the odd semester of 2024-2025, the MBKM unit of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held an FGD (Focus Group Discussion) for the Preparation of Independent Internship Guidance and Assessment Documents which was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 from 09.00-12.30 WITA at the Treepark Hotel. The event was opened by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki and attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; the MBKM Unit manager chaired by Raisa Fadilla with members Hendro Yulius Suryo Putro, Arum Murdianingsih, and Rizky Febriyani Puteri; heads of units within FKIP ULM, namely Emma Rosana Febriyanti, Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Management Unit (UPKH); Ananda Setiawan, Head of the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM), and Nuruddin WIranda, Head of the Information Communication & Technology (ICT) Unit; and attended by a number of internship partners including from Hasnur Center, PT. Sarigading, and the Regional Technical Assistance Unit (UPTD) of the Center for Disability Services and Inclusive Education of the South Kalimantan Education and Culture Office.

In his remarks, Sunarno Basuki hoped that this activity could formulate the necessary things related to MBKM Internship because this was the first time FKIP held an independent MBKM Internship. “The formulation made today will be an important input in the implementation of MBKM in the future,” he said. Meanwhile, according to Raisa Fadilla, the reason behind the implementation of this activity is the need for standardization and clear guidelines regarding the implementation of the FETT ULM Independent Internship MBKM program which can later be used in the implementation of this program itself. This guide is expected to provide proper direction for students, supervisors, and related companies regarding procedures for implementation, rights and obligations, and internship evaluation. This activity also aims to facilitate collaboration and synchronization between the faculty and potential internship partners. “This discussion can ensure there is an understanding and synchronization between educational institutions and industry, so that the internship program can run more effectively and efficiently. The output of this activity itself is the compilation of comprehensive and practical internship guidelines based on input from internship partners and building strong partnerships with partners or industries,” he explained.

The presentation of the FETT Independent Internship program was delivered by Deasy Arisanty. In her presentation, she explained the background of the implementation of this internship MBKM. According to her, after graduation, not all alumni will have a career as an educator. Not a few of the alumni work in companies, both relevant and irrelevant to their scientific fields. Internships will help students recognize and even adapt to the world of work. Previously, there was an internship program managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek), namely Certified Internships. However, the Ministry also encourages the provision of internships managed by respective universities because they are considered to better understand the needs in the field.

The inaugural implementation of the FETT ULM Independent Internship MBKM program will originally be held at the beginning of the odd semester 2024-2025 with a course recognition system as usual for other MBKM implementations. (admin)

The atmosphere of the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) activity for the Preparation of Guidance Documents and Independent Internship Assessment of FKIP ULM.