JPMIPA FKIP ULM Receives Visit from SMAN 1 Bajuin


Handover of mementos in the opening session of SMAN 1 Bajuin’s study visit to JPMIPA FKIP ULM (doc. Dewi Dewantara)

Banjarmasin – After previously submitting a letter of request for a visit under the heading ‘SMAN 1 Bajuin Goes to Campus and Field Trip’, teachers and students of SMAN 1 Bajuin on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 visited the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (JPMIPA), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM). The group was received directly by the Head of JPMIPA, Syahmani in the JPMIPA meeting room starting at 10.30 WITA. The opening ceremony was attended by a number of lecturers in JPMIPA, including the Coordinator of Chemistry Education, Rusmansyah; Physics Education, Abdul Salam, Secretary of Physics Education, Dewi Dewantara; and lecturers of Chemistry Education, Leny, Parham Saadi, and Rilia Iriani. Meanwhile, SMAN 1 Bajuin students were represented by teachers, including Sinar Christiasih Simamora, Hidayat Sutanto, Arini Nur Indah Sari, and Olimpiya Hairunnisa.

The students’ activities during the visit included practicum in the Chemistry and Physics laboratories. In the Chemistry lab, they were accompanied by the laboratory manager, Noor Elfa, and all lecturers of the Chemistry Education Study Program, while in the Physics lab they were accompanied by Mastuang and Andy Azhari. The group left FKIP ULM at 16.00 WITA.

According to the Head of JPMIPA, Syahmani, her office is always open to such visits and will try to welcome them as much as possible. “Students seemed very interested in the visit agenda because they were invited to do simple practices in chemistry and physics. A number of students even claimed to have the desire to continue their studies in MIPA education because the subjects they consider difficult turned out to be interesting and fun,” she said. (admin)

The atmosphere of student practicum in the Physics Education laboratory (doc. Dewi Dewantara)

The atmosphere of student practicum in the Chemistry Education PS laboratory (doc. Dewi Dewantara)