Banjarmasin – After being approved in December 2023 by the Rector of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), the latest academic guidelines for the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) ULM, which are the implementation of evaluation results from the previous guidelines, were finally socialized on May 13, 2024. The socialization activity was attended by managers of Departments and Study Programs (PS), as well as related subsections in FKIP ULM and was organized by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty together with the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) FKIP ULM. The activity entitled Socialization of Academic Guidelines, Monitoring and Evaluation of Research and Community Service of FETT ULM was held in the Hasan Bondan Hall of FETT starting at 13.00 WITA.
The event was opened by the Vice Dean of FKIP ULM, Deasy Arisanty, who also acted as a resource person for the socialization of academic guidelines. Meanwhile, the head of UPM, Ananda Setiawan was the resource person for the socialization of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) guidelines for research and community service (PkM). In the socialization of academic guidelines, one of the points of emphasis is on the final project section where students can replace the thesis with several alternatives, one of which is a scientific article. This is done to appreciate diversity and support the study period to be faster. Meanwhile, in the socialization of guidelines for M&E of research and PkM. Ananda explained the importance of implementation for the quality assurance process at both the PS and faculty levels. It is hoped that this monev guideline will be a step to build a culture of quality in the faculty. At the end of the socialization, UPM also explained the identification of 10 standards in international accreditation agencies that will be followed by a number of PS, namely ACQUIN. The identification is to facilitate the writing of SAR (Self-Assessment Report) and the preparation of evidence needed in the preparation of SAR.
After the speakers’ presentation, a question and answer session was held. Among the responders, Abdul Salam, Coordinator of the Physics Education Study Program, proposed the creation of technical guidelines for the student transfer process, both between study programs and between faculties.