Banjarmasin – A number of students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) won several competitions organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) at the university level. The competitions in question are the Selection of Outstanding Students (Pilmapres), the National Olympiad for Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Higher Education (ONMIPA-PT), and Peksima (Student Art Week). The winners received awards from the university at the winner announcement event held at the General Theater Building ULM, Monday, May 13, 2024 from 09.30-12.00 WITA.
These outstanding students include: ONMIPA-PT competition (a) in Mathematics, Nadia Mei Safitri (1st place); (b) in Chemistry, Nizar Ilyasa (1st place); (c) in Physics, Nova Wardani (3rd place). Pilmapres competition, (1) Muhammad Diki Saputra (1st runner-up); Ezer Ayusalin Nazara (2nd runner-up). Peksima competition, (a) female pop song singing, Salsabilla (2nd place); (b) male dangdut song singing: Muhammad Nur Alif (2nd place); (c) female dangdut singing, Tiara Paramita (2nd place), Mila Ardilla (3rd place); (d) male keroncong singing: Samad (1st place); (e) female keroncong singing, Auliana Zulfa (3rd place); (f) male seriosa singing, Husni Arifin (3rd place); (g) monologue theater performance, Nor Amilia (1st place), Siti Adijah (3rd place); (h) short story writing, Risma Liana (1st place), Fahimah (2nd place); and (h) playwriting, Sinta Salsa Bella (1st place).
The winners who won first place will then represent ULM to compete at the national level. Regarding this victory, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rachman expressed his appreciation. “We wish success to FETT students who have made achievements. Henceforth, the students are expected to continue to be enthusiastic and keep practicing in order to win the next stage,” he said.
Meanwhile, one of the winners, Risma Liyanti, expressed her joy at being the winner. “Masha Allah, it feels amazing. When my name was mentioned as the first winner, I was surprised and touched. Previously, I never thought I could represent ULM because I knew that other participants also had extraordinary talents. Yesterday, when I was able to represent FETT, I was very happy and proud, and now that feeling has doubled. For me, yesterday’s victory was a mandate and I am very grateful for being able to carry out this mandate. As Mr. Vice Rector 1 said yesterday, that this victory is not the maximum goal because there are other steps that must be passed later, I will try even more to get to the next level. God willing, I will try my best,” he said.
Congratulations to the winners, may they continue to make achievements and become an inspiration for others. (admin)