Banjarmasin – Tuesday, May 7, 2024, the Sociology Education Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) held a National Seminar (Semnas) with the theme The Role of the Young Generation in National Development Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045. This activity was held at Anno’s House, Siring Tandean tourist area, Banjarmasin. The seminar was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FKIP ULM, Deasy Arisanty and attended by lecturers, students, and alumni in the Sociology Education Study Program as well as invited guests. Mayor Ibnu Sina also attended this activity online to give an introduction. He was unable to attend in person due to attending the National Musrembang at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta.
This seminar presented two main speakers, namely Dimas Oky Nugroho who is the head of the working group (pokja) of the socialization strategy of the task force (satgas) to accelerate the socialization of the Job Creation Law (UU). in his presentation, this graduate of the S-3 Anthropology University of New South Wales said that one of the main roles of the Job Creation Law is to encourage youth to become creative entrepreneurs. This law is designed to make it easier for young people to establish and run Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) including the ease of business establishment permits, protection and empowerment of the MSMEs themselves.
Another resource person was Professor of Universitas Airlangga, Musta’in, talking about the Role of Youth towards Golden Indonesia 2045. In his presentation, he explained the types of skills needed in the future, including technical skills in practical work such as operators, especially in controlling digital devices, teaching vocational education, other things that support technical skills, and certain specialization skills. Meanwhile, administrative skills will increasingly be replaced by technology. Meanwhile, according to Musta’in, the challenges that Indonesia must face in the coming years are rapid social change due to increasingly sophisticated technology transfer while on the other hand, domestic technological mastery will still not be maximized if the research budget and mastery of science and technology are still low; the threat of climate change; and unfinished problems such as systemic corruption, horizontal conflict, poverty, and others.
Regarding this activity, the Coordinator of Sociology Education, Rochgiyanti, said that the national seminar was one of the work programs of Sociology Education which was designed to meet the achievements of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU). “Through this activity, students are expected to gain knowledge and experience from narrators from other campuses, and students are also expected to be able to think critically related to efforts and obstacles towards Golden Indonesia,” she said. According to him, this activity has run as expected. it can be seen from the realization of activities that are in accordance with the plan both from the technical aspects of implementation, speakers, to participants.