74 FKIP ULM Lecturers Participate in RPL Technical Guidance


Photo with ULM RPL technical assistance participants

Banjarmasin – Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a Technical Guidance (Bimtek) for lecturers in the ULM environment to become assessors of Past Learning Recognition (RPL). RPL is the recognition of a person’s learning achievements obtained from formal, non-formal, informal education, and / or work experience which is the basis for continuing formal education or to equalize with certain qualifications. The task of the RPL assessor is to consider and decide whether RPL can be applied to a person by examining evidence, conducting interviews, and/or observing demonstrations of the person’s abilities. The technical guidance was held on Friday and Saturday, May 3-4, 2024 at GSign Hotel Banjarmasin from 08.00-complete.

The Bimtek was opened by ULM Rector, Ahmad Aliem Bahri and attended by 205 participants, 74 of whom were lecturers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). The instructors came from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), including the Subcoordinator of the RPL Task Force and Special Learning, Yulita Priyoningsih; Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University lecturer, Anggoro Pramudiyo; and Surabaya State University lecturer, Awang Dharmawan.

In his remarks, the Rector of ULM conveyed the importance of the availability of RPL assessors considering that there are a number of distance class collaboration programs whose prospective students transfer levels or transfer fields so that RPL needs to be done. Given the importance of this, he hopes that later each Study Program (PS) will have at least 3 RPL assessors.

In line with this, the chairman of the activity committee who is also a Professor of Educational Technology, Hamsi Mansur expressed his hope from the implementation of this activity, namely, the formation of a common perception of what RPL is by all PS and lecturers in the ULM environment. He also hopes that this technical guidance will produce many assessors who will be tasked with conducting assessments / assessments for prospective new students using the RPL scheme. He also hopes that in the near future the RPL guidelines in general can be prepared, as well as the registration guidelines and assessment guidelines. Utomo, one of the committee members, also hopes that at the university level a task force or auxiliary unit will be formed specifically dealing with this RPL matter in addition to the assessors who are prepared can also be certified immediately. The completion of these components makes the implementation of RPL for prospective students possible in the future.

This 2-day activity has an agenda including the delivery of material and participant presentations related to the preparation of RPL assessment tools. The material presented in this technical assistance included the initial information on RPL and the introduction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) RPL application, Sierra; RPL guidelines, and the stages and preparation of RPL instrument instruments. The presentation of assessment tools was carried out on the second day by displaying the work of several PS such as PS S-1 Special Education and PS S-1 Mathematics Education FKIP, and PS S-1 Nursing Faculty of Medicine (FK). (admin)

Atmosphere of technical guidance