Banjarmasin – The Educational Technology Student Association (Hima Tekpen) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held an Educational Technology Student Education Meeting (Tematik) at the ULM Student Activity Center (SAC) Building on April 26, 2024 starting at 09.00 WITA. Thematic is one of the work programs of the PSDM (Student Resource Development) department of Hima Tekpen designed to equip educational technology students with relevant knowledge and skills. activities with the theme “Building Trust and Credibility Through Improving Public Speaking and Public Relations Skills” are designed to strengthen trust and credibility, especially in the realm of public communication and student public relations.
In the opening session the chief executive, Rifkha Adji Zulfan and the chairman of Hima Tekpen, Akhmad Fadhil Amara gave remarks. The event was opened by a representative of the educational technology lecturer, Agus Hadi Utama. The resource person presented in this activity, Siti Salimah, a Public Speaker, Business Enthusiast, and Counselor provided deep insight into effective public communication techniques and strategies. The event then continued with practice where participants were given the opportunity to directly practice the skills they had just learned. This opportunity provided valuable experience for the participants to hone their public speaking skills. This thematic event was then closed with a group photo session. (admin)