Banjarmasin – Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the Natural Science Education Study Program (PS), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a non-lecture academic activity, namely the Financial Literacy Workshop (Training) with the theme Growing the Spirit of Entrepreneurship: The Role of Financial Literacy in Entrepreneurship in the Science Education Study Program Environment. The activity was held in Hasan Bondan Hall from 08.00 – 14.00 WITA. The event was attended by lecturers and students in the Science Education Study Program and was opened by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki. Regarding this activity, the Dean welcomed and hoped that this kind of activity could continue to be carried out. Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Science Education Study Program, Syubhan Annur, said that this activity was carried out to provide information to students so that later they would have insight and direct experience from the speakers we invited. “This activity is a study program activity to support Main Performance Indicator (IKU) 4. It is hoped that this activity can support other activities and students get important information for their future.”
The speakers in this activity were Sri Maulida, a financial planner from Associate Wealth Planner IARFC Indonesia and Abdi, Founder of Bakul Banua, Manager of PT Sarigading Pusaka Kalimantan. According to Maulida, financial literacy can be applied to personal and business. In personal life, the important thing to start paying attention to is financial check-ups by (1) making a budget, (2) making cash flow records, (3) making a priority scale in spending, and (4) conducting evaluations. Meanwhile for businesses, according to him, the things that need to be considered are (1) making a budget plan, (2) separating personal and business finances, (3) making cash flow reports, (4) preparing financial reserves (emergency funds), (5) utilizing technology, and (6) allocating profits proportionally. (admin)