Announcement of the Winner of Peksiminas Selection at FKIP ULM Level


1st place Vocal Group from PSP (doc. PSP)

Based on the results of the judging of a number of National Student Art Week (Peksiminas) competitions at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) whose selection was held online from March 15 to April 19, 2024, a number of winners have been determined. There are 50 winners from 15 branches of competition with some competitions having male and female categories and some general categories.

The winners included: (1) male dangdut singing competition: Muhammad Nur Alif (1st place) from Performing Arts Education Study Program; Muhammad Iffansyah (2nd place) from Economics Education Study Program; and Rahmadi (3rd place) from Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Female dangdut singing competition: Tiara Paramita (1st place) from Mathematics Education; Mila Ardila (2nd place) from PSP; Meliyanti (3rd place) from PSP. (2) female seriosa singing competition: Irnauli Manullang (1st place) from PSP. Male seriosa singing competition: Husni Arifin (1st place) from PSP. (3) Keroncong singing competition: Auliana Zulfa (1st place) from PSP. (4) male pop song competition: Muhammad Iqbal Wahyudi (1st place) from PSP; Rizki Fathurrahman (2nd place) from PSP; and I Gusti Kadek Agus Rianta (3rd place) from PS PBSI. Female pop song singing competition: Salsabilla (1st place) from English; Eva Farisyah Amanda Putri (2nd place) from PSP; and Yulia Fitri Wulandari (3rd place) from PSP. (5) group vocal competition: PSP group (1st place) and PS Sociology Education group (2nd place).

(6) Female poetry reading competition: Nurul Amira (1st place) from Elementary School Teacher Education; Helen Dhea Safitri (2nd place) from Mathematics Education; and Fitria Ika Farizha (3rd place) from PBSI. Male poetry reading competition: Julianus Pratama (1st place) from PSP; Muhammad Naufal Farisi (2nd place) from PS Educational Technology (Tekpen); Muhammad Ryan (3rd place) from PS PBSI. (7) monologue competition: Siti Adijah (1st place) from PS PBSI; Nor Amilia (2nd place) from PSP; Muhammad Taqwa Ridha (3rd place) from PS Mathematics Education. (8) Short story writing competition: Fahimah (1st place) from PS PBSI; Risma Liyanti (2nd place) from PS PBSI; and Mikhael Kristian Warsito (3rd place) from PS PBSI. (9) play writing competition: Shinta Salsa Bella (1st place) from PS PBSI; Marissa Putri (2nd place) from PS Guidance Counseling (BK); and Ryan Wira Pratama (3rd place) from PSP. (10) Poetry writing competition: Rajibah (1st place) from PSP; Aisah (2nd place) from PS PBSI; and Putri Imaniyati (3rd place) from PS IPS Education.

(11) Dance competition: PS PSP group (1st place); PS PGSD group (2nd place); and PS Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG PAUD) group. (12) Social campaign media design competition: Muhammad Rezki Maulidi (1st place) from PS Tekpen; Taufik Raihandani (2nd place) from PS Computer Education (Pilkom); and Muhammad Restu Rahman (3rd place) from PS Pilkom. (13) Painting competition: Okti Cahya Sari (1st place) from PS Tekpen; Soraya Istiqamah (2nd place) from PS English Education; and Davina Azizah (3rd place) from PS Science Education. (14) comic strip competition: Dina Roswandi Siregar (1st place) from Special Education; Akhmad Hapis Ansari (2nd place) from Social Studies Education: Muthia Amalia (3rd place) from PS Tekpen. (15) Photography competition: Fira Dewi Azizah (1st place) from Science Education; Sujud Fatchurrohman (2nd place) from PGSD; Muhammad Farhan (3rd place) from PBSI.

Congratulations to the winners. For those who represent FKIP ULM to continue the selection at the university level, hopefully they will succeed and be able to represent ULM to the national level. Let’s continue to make achievements and be an inspiration for others. (admin)