AL Computer Education, Assessor: Continue to Improve Student Achievements at the National Level


Banjarmasin – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Wednesday-Thursday, January 31 – February 1, 2024 received the arrival of Field Assessment (AL) assessors for the Computer Education Study Program (PS), namely Professor of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Budi Murtiyasa, and Wahyudin from the University of Education Indonesia (UPI). The AL activity was held at FKIP ULM and centered in the Professor Meeting Room. The event was opened by ULM Rector, Ahmad Aliem Bahri and attended by ULM Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Iwan Aflanie; Head of ULM’s Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institute (LPMPP), Agung Nugroho; Head of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (JPMIPA), Syahmani; Head of the General Section of FKIP ULM, Ani Isdiati Basri; Head of the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) FKIP ULM, Ananda Setiawan and the UPM team, Saiyidah Mahtari, Nurul Hidayati Utami, Meliyana Aini, Muhammad Muhaimin, Sauqinah, Tika Puspita Widya Rini, and Imelda Indah Savitri; Heads of Subdivisions: Ida Auliani, Isnawati, and Akmil Fuadi Rahman; Head of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Unit of FKIP ULM, Nuruddin Wiranda; Coordinator of Computer Education Study Program, Harja Santana Purba, and lecturers in Computer Education.

The series of agendas in this AL activity are UPPS (Study Program Management Unit) assessments, namely faculties, PS assessments, visitation of infrastructure facilities, micro learning assessments, stake-holder and alumni interviews on day 1. On the 2nd day, interviews with lecturers and students were held, signing of minutes, and evaluation of activities by assessors.

In the closing session, the assessor conveyed a number of notes related to continuous improvement, including the need for additional lecturers with computer and informatics backgrounds, improving facilities related to computer-based equipment because these facilities must always be actualized. The assessor also said that alumni are proud of their alma mater and students also have a good level of satisfaction. The assessor also appreciated the achievements of students to the national level, and hoped that this would continue to be improved.

The activity was closed by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki, who gave an explanation of the improvement efforts that have been made by FKIP ULM related to the procurement of infrastructure which is planned to be realized this year and the recruitment of lecturers who have been realized in 2023 have met the qualifications of the required field of science. Hopefully PS Computer Education will get the best results as expected. (admin)

Micro Learning Assessment in AL Computer Education