Excamp Hima Tekpen FKIP ULM Session 2: Outdoor Camp


Group photo (doc. committee)

Pelaihari – The second part of the Educational Technology Explore Camp (Excamp) 2024 activity of the Educational Technology Student Association (Tekpen) study program (PS) Educational Technology (Tekpen) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) is an outdoor activity located at the ULM Agribusiness Science and Technology Development Center (Puspita Agripeka). This event was held for three days, Tuesday to Thursday, January 23-25, 2024 with the theme, “Honing Leadership Skills in the Digital Era to Form a Generation of Leaders who are resilient and have integrity.”

The event began with a presentation of activities by the Coordinator of the Events Division, Wildan Tamami, and a briefing from the Chairperson of Hima Tekpen, Akhmad Fadhil Amara and released by a representative of PS Tekpen lecturer, Agus Salim. At the location of the activity, participants received material that explored aspects of student self-development, both in terms of organization and academics, delivered by the Chairperson of Hima Tekpen for the 2022-2023 period, Muhammad Rizal. This material includes strategies for developing work programs and committees that are relevant to the context of the activity. The session continued with discussions and questions and answers that took place interactively.

Other activities included movie screening and discussion led by Akhmad Fadhil Amara. The films shown were Hakadza, Langit Tak Selamanya Abu-abu, and Saos Kopi. The implementation of a number of games, the inauguration of Hima administrators, and Halal Bi Halal.

The response to this activity is known to be very good. “It’s great to be part of Hima Tekpen. Thank you to the seniors who have accompanied us. Feel proud to be officially included in the Hima Tekpen family. Please support and guide us so that we can also be successful like you.” Said one of the participants.

Ani Isdiati Basri, Head of the General Section of FKIP ULM, expressed her hope that each participant could gain maximum benefits from each activity organized. “Hopefully through this activity, participants will not only gain additional knowledge, but also be able to apply it meaningfully in their daily lives, both in the campus environment and in facing the world of work in the future,” she said.

(Contributor: Fitria Norzakiah (Student of Educational Technology Study Program)