Banjarmasin – Friday, December 29, 2023, the Rector of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Ahmad Aliem Bahri inaugurated a number of echelon III (administrators) and echelon IV (supervisors) in the ULM environment including Ani Isdiati Basri who was also entrusted as Head of General Affairs (Kabag) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) according to the ULM SOTK (Governance Organization Structure). The inauguration was held at the ULM Rectorate Hall on the 1st floor starting at 14.00 WITA.
According to Ani, although different from the previous name, Head of Administration, the Head of General Affairs basically has the same main tasks and functions, which are responsible to the Dean for leading the management of academic affairs, student affairs, planning, staffing, finance, management, administration, housekeeping, state property, and reporting in the faculty environment. Although newly appointed, Ani admitted that she was used to the duties and functions assigned because she had been carrying out the duties in her capacity as head of Administration. She also feels grateful for the trust given and remains committed to providing excellent service related to the tasks assigned to her. (admin)