Banjarmasin – The Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) again held Academic Orientation Education and Training (Diklat) for PPG Pre-Service students in batch 2 of 2023. The activity was held on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, starting at 09.00 WITA at the General Theater Building ULM. This activity was attended by 292 students from a number of PPG study fields. The opening of the training was attended by the leadership of FKIP ULM, including the Dean, Sunarno Basuki; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Dharmono, and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Ali Rahman; PS Coordinators (Korprodi); Head of Administration, Ani Isdiati Basri; Academic Subdivision Subcoordinator (Kasubag), Akmil Fuadi Rahman; Head of Finance and Personnel, Ida Auliani; Head of General and BMN Subdivision, Isnawati; Head of Student and Alumni Subdivision, Rabiatul Adawiyah; PPG Study Program Coordinator, Hidayat Ansori and other PPG Study Program managers; PPG IT administrators; as well as heads of study fields of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Social Science (IPS), Indonesian Language, Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn), Mathematics, Guidance and Counseling, and Physical and Health Education.
This activity was opened by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki. In his opening remarks, he welcomed the Pre-Service PPG students and asked them to study seriously in order to get maximum results in learning. He also said that studying at PS PPG FKIP ULM is a very appropriate choice because FKIP ULM itself has good qualifications as an LPTK (Educational Personnel Educator Institution). He also hopes that in addition to studying diligently, students can also get to know the FKIP ULM environment well, including the academic service area because this will help smooth administrative and other matters.
This training activity was filled with explanations about various important things related to the learning process during the Pre-Service PPG lecture, including the delivery of the vision and mission of the FKIP ULM PPG by the Korprodi PS PPG, Hidayah Ansori; the Pre-Service PPG curriculum by the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance of FKIP ULM, Dharmono; the Pre-Service PPG lecture system by the secretary of PS PPG, Mohammad Dani Wahyudi; the Pre-Service PPG PPL system by Hidayah Ansori; and the Pre-Service PPG LMS (Learning Management System) system by PPG IT admins, Ahmad Alfan and Galih Rizki Khairul Ulum. (admin)