Semarang – Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Ali Rachman, accompanied by the manager of the Cooperation and Public Relations Unit (UPKH): Emma Rosana Febriyanti (Chairperson), Dewi Dewantara (Secretary of Cooperation) Dewi Alfianti (Secretary of Public Relations), and staff, Muhammad Naufal Yaasir and Imelda Indah Savitri made a visit in order to initiate cooperation with the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan (FITK) of the Wali Songo State Islamic University (UIN), Semarang. This visit was held on Monday, July 15, 2024, starting at 08.00 WIB in the faculty meeting room,
The FKIP ULM team was welcomed by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs of FITK who is also a Professor of UIN Wali Songo, Muslih, accompanied by the Head of Administration, Siti Khotimah. In his remarks, Muslih expressed his excitement over this visit and hoped that a number of Study Programs (PS) in FITK could establish cooperation with PS in FKIP ULM which have compatibility such as S-1 English Education, S-1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education which is aligned with S-1 Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), and S-1 Early Childhood Islamic Education which is also aligned with S-1 Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG PAUD). He hopes that in the future the PSs that can establish cooperation can communicate with each other as well as be shaded by legal documents of cooperation agreements in the form of Memo of Understanding (MoU) at the university level and Memo of Agreement (MoA) or Cooperation Agreement (PKS) at the faculty level.
Responding to this, Ali rahman expressed the readiness of the faculty to bridge PS who want to work together as well as provide legal documents that overshadow the cooperation agreement, he hopes that cooperation can really be realized in an implementable manner for the progress of the two universities.
In Muslih’s explanation of UIN Wali Songo, he said that among the advantages of their campus is the planetarium which is recognized as the largest campus planetarium in Southeast Asia. “This planetarium is also now one of the hilal observation points for determining the beginning of Ramadan and the beginning of Shawwal,” he said. He hopes that in addition to working together between PSs, FKIP ULM can also conduct other academic visits including a visit to the planetarium. (admin)