Banjarmasin – Two lecturers of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on July 19, 2024 were announced and appointed as assessors of the Education Self-Accreditation Institute (Lamdik). Mustika Wati from the Physics Education Study Program and Noor Fajriah from the Mathematics Education Study Program were appointed as Lamdik assessors based on the Decree of the Management of the Education Self-Accreditation Institute Number: 28 / SK / Lamdik / VII / 2024 concerning Assessors of the Education Self-Accreditation Institute.
Previously, they had followed a selection process that included administrative selection (May 2-7), psychological tests (May 16-17), interviews (June 3-5), then passed and underwent phase 1 training (June 25-26), and phase 2 training (July 4-5). The whole process was concluded with the announcement and appointment of the two as Lamdik assessors on July 19.
Regarding this determination, one of the assessors, Mustika Wati, expressed her gratitude. “I feel grateful to be involved as a national level assessor, and hope that it can also benefit the FETT ULM institution to be more superior according to the vision of FETT ULM to be a faculty that organizes and produces educators and education personnel who are superior, competitive, and have character in the field of wetland environment,” she said.
Through this determination, FETT ULM already has 9 Lamdik Assessors, namely (1) Dwi Atmono from Economics Education, (2) Herry Porda from History Education, (3) Herita Warni from Physical Education, (4) Mashud from Physical Education, (5) Jumariati from English Education, (6) Ali Rachman from Guidance Counseling, (7) Mariatul Kiptiah from Pancasila and Citizenship Education, (8) Mustika Wati from Physics Education, and (9) Noor Fajriah from Mathematics Education.
Congratulations on the appointment, hopefully you can carry out your duties well. (admin)