Yogyakarta – Student representatives from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) succeeded in making brilliant achievements in the IDEAFEST 2 and National Essay Competition 2 (NEC) events held at the Stiper Agricultural Institute (Instiper) Yogyakarta. The event that brought together young innovators and writers from all over Indonesia took place with enthusiasm and creativity.
IDEAFEST 2: Technology that Inspires
In the technology category, the FKIP ULM team, which is a collaboration of the FKIP ULM Chemical Education Study Program, ULM Chemical and Forestry Engineering and ITB students, won various prestigious awards. The team members consisted of Try Sepakat Zalukhu (Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)), Yoris Mardianus Harefa (Chemical Engineering, ULM), Oinitema Gea (Forestry, ULM), Ibenia Waruwu (Chemical Education, ULM), and Berta Yanti Zalukhu (Aquatic Resources Management, ULM). Their achievements include (1) The Most Favorite Poster; (2) Favorite Poster, (3) Gold Medal , and (4) 1st Runner-up.
The team displayed impressive technological innovations and managed to captivate the judges and audience with interesting and solutive presentations. Their success cannot be separated from the guidance of their lecturer, Yogo Dwi Prasetyo, who also accompanied them during the competition.
National Essay Competition (NEC) 2: Inspiration from the World of Education and Food
At the NEC 2 event, representatives of FKIP ULM also did not lose their achievements. In the field of education, the team consisting of Oinitema Gea (PS Forestry, ULM), Ibenia Waruwu (PS Chemical Education, ULM), and Yoris Mardianus Harefa (PS Chemical Engineering, ULM) won, (1) Favorite Poster, and (2) Silver Medal. Meanwhile, in the field of food, the team consisting of Effie Dianti (PS Chemical Education, ULM) and Ibenia Waruwu (PS Chemical Education, ULM) also made an achievement by winning the Silver Medal.
Yogo Dwi Prasetyo, an accompanying lecturer who participated in the competition, expressed his appreciation and pride for the students. “I am very impressed with the dedication and hard work shown by the team. They were able to show their best abilities and make ULM proud in the national arena. I hope this achievement can be a motivation for other students to continue to innovate and excel,” he said. With this achievement, FETT ULM further strengthens its position as one of the faculties that produces quality and highly competitive graduates.
Hopefully this achievement can continue and provide inspiration for other students. (admin)
(Contributor: Yogo Dwi Prasetyo)