Banjarmasin – The Manager of the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) held a meeting with the head and secretary of the study field on Monday, July 27, 2024 through a zoom conference starting at 09.00 WITA. The meeting material was delivered by the Coordinator of PPG FKIP ULM, Hidayah Ansori. This meeting discussed the new format for organizing PPG in Jabatan (Daljab) which is now renamed PPG for Specific Teachers.
In this meeting, Hidayah Ansori socialized the form of PPG implementation for Certain Teachers in 2024. In the student learning process, the role of LPTK will be replaced by a system, namely the PMM (Platform Merdeka Mengajar) application prepared by the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). Furthermore, students will follow the learning process in this application independently without a lecturer. PPG lecturers only play a role in conducting assessments in each learning session. Meanwhile, the role of PS PPG as an LPTK (Educational Personnel Educating Institution) is only in UKPPPG (Teacher Pedagogical and Professional Competency Test) activities, where later LPTK prepares examiners to assess the PPG Student Performance Test for Certain Teachers. As for what the lecturer will assess, including: Learning Tools, Learning Practices and Case Studies.
Furthermore, to become an examiner lecturer, the lecturer must have an NRP (Examiner Register Number). Those who already have an NRP will be refreshed and those who do not will be included in the transfer program. The change in PPG implementation format is due to the Ministry of Education and Culture’s target to increase the quantity of uncertified teachers to be certified within the next 2 years. Therefore, the PPG implementation process for certain teachers is made shorter with more quota per implementation. (admin)