FETT ULM Students Won Bronze Medals at PEPARNAS XVII


Awarding Bronze Medal to Alexander Dwiky Hermawan (doc. Alex)

Solo – Alexander Dwiky Hermawan, a student with visual disabilities from the Special Education Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) won a bronze medal in the Athletics sport. PEPARNAS itself is a PON-level sporting event specifically for athletes with disabilities. This event will be held on October 6-13, 2024 in Solo, Central Java. Of the 207 South Kalimantan paralympic athletes who fought in various sports, 126 medals were won, including a bronze medal by Alexander. These victories brought South Kalimantan to 7th place among other provinces.

Regarding his victory, Alex expressed his excitement. He felt grateful to have won the championship and was excited to get to know athletes from all over Indonesia. “This event shows the equality between people with disabilities and regular people. This event is also a place for us to make achievements and give our best, I hope to participate in the next Peparnas and be able to maintain the bronze medal, and if possible increase the medal acquisition to a higher level,” he said.

Congratulations to the winners, hopefully you can continue to make achievements and be an inspiration for others. (admin)