PS PPG FKIP ULM Conducts UKPPPG 2024 Examiner Scoring


Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki at the Opening of the Event accompanied by Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty and PS PPG Coordinator, Hidayah Anshori

Banjar Regency – The Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) at the Educational Personnel Education Institute (LPTK), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Thursday-Saturday, 29-31 August 2024 held a UKPPPG (Competency Test for Teacher Professional Education Participants) Examiner Briefing for Period 2 of 2024. This activity is divided into two sessions, namely a plenary face-to-face meeting of all participants on 29/08 at the Sky Convention Center, Banjar Regency from 09.00-15.00 WITA and online meetings on 30-31/08 through zoom conferences based on the level groups of certain PPG teachers to be tested, SMK and SMP / SMA.

The event was opened by the Dean of FKIP ULM, Sunarno Basuki and attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deasy Arisanty; Head of PS PPG, Hidayah Anshori; invitees; facilitators; and 158 mentoring participants who are lecturers in FKIP ULM and teachers in South Kalimantan. In his remarks, Sunarno Basuki conveyed the importance of the role of LPTK and examiners in efforts to certify teachers. There are 1,699,688 in-service teachers who are now called certain teachers who have not been certified so the demands on LPTK regarding teacher certification are very large. Data shows that the need for teachers is still so great that it reaches 2,443,259, while the available teachers are around 2,370,128 consisting of in-service teachers, education graduates, and pre-service PPG graduates.

Meanwhile, according to Hidayah Anshori, this transfer is very important because it is the gateway to validity as a UKPPPG examiner. According to him, different from the previous year’s scheme where PPG lecturers and teachers were asked to teach, become facilitators, and test, this year their focus is only on testing. The difference is that there are far more testers than in the previous year. In this face-to-face session, in addition to the briefing, participants were also asked to take a pre-test.

In the online session, participants were asked to practice assessing 3 documents, each of which consists of a learning tool document, a teaching video (microteaching), and a case study document. In the discussion session facilitated by the facilitator, participants were also directed to assess the interview and complete the post-test. (admin)

The Atmosphere of the UKPPPG LPTK FKIP ULM Examiner Briefing Activity