Students of Educational Technology (Tekpen), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) through the Educational Technology Assembly Team again achieved achievements. This time they won 1st place in the Group Photography Competition and 3rd place in the Digital Learning Media Creation Competition at the 2024 Competition of Innovation and Creation (CODE) held by the Faculty of Education (FIP) of Medan State University (Unimed). The achievement was also the sixth award received by the Educational Technology Assembly Team in the past month.
The Competition of Innovation and Creation (CODE) 2024 carries the theme “Preservation of local culture to prepare Golden Indonesia 2045 through digital technology” and was held from May 1 to June 24, 2024. In the CODE 2024 activity, 12 branches of competition were competed, namely 1) Indonesian Speech Contest 2) English Speech Competition 3) Digital Learning Media Creation Competition 4) Non-Digital Learning Media Creation Competition 5) Modern Dance Creation Competition 6) Poetry Music Competition 7) Choir Competition 8) Group Photography Competition 9) Written Futuristic Ideas Competition 10) Micro Teaching Competition 11) Archipelago Painting Competition 12) Scientific Writing Competition.
Of the 12 competitions, the Educational Technology Assembly Team took part in two competitions, namely the Group Photography Competition and the Digital Learning Media Creation Competition. Five students then joined two different teams. The Educational Technology Assembly team that participated in the Group Photography Competition consisted of M. Rizal, Arif Rahman and Ihwannul Syaqir and the other team consisting of M. Rizal, Zairida Isra Alifa and Helmi Alfian Nurkhaliz participated in the Digital Learning Media Creation competition.
Muhammad Rizal as the head of the Educational Technology Assembly Team expressed his gratitude for the award received and made this achievement his last offering to his beloved campus before being declared graduated in July, “Alhamdulillah, of course this is again an achievement that we should be grateful for and proud of together. This sixth achievement that we have achieved in the past month is the fruit of the hard work of all team members. In the midst of the busy results seminar and thesis trial, I was helped a lot by the members in preparing for this competition. I hope this achievement can be useful and contribute to our campus, especially in increasing IKU 2 at ULM,” he said.
Meanwhile, Arif Rahman as a member of the Educational Technology Assembly Team for the Group Photography Competition was surprised to have won first place, “This is an extraordinary and surprising thing for me because I was able to win first place, hopefully this can be my stepping stone to continue to make other achievements. I am determined to continue to explore my potential and excel at every opportunity,” he said.
In line with Arif, a member of the Educational Technology Assembly Team for the Group Photography Competition, Ihwannul Syaqir, also commented that the competition he participated in was not easy, “Online photography competitions like this have their own challenges. This is because as participants we cannot interact directly with judges or other participants. So when receiving the news of victory, there is an extraordinary sense of pride,” said this 4th semester student.
Congratulations to the winners. May they continue to make achievements and be an inspiration to others. (admin)