Banjarmasin – On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at the Rector’s hall on the 1st floor, an oath-taking ceremony for Civil Servants (PNS) was held at Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) for 2023. The Oath-taking of Civil Servants was led by the ULM Chancellor, Ahmad, who appointed civil servants from their previous status as Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS), 18 lecturers at the ULM Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP). They are Dewicca Fatma Nadila (History Education Study Program), Nurul Huda (Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program), Muhammad Ridha Ilhami (Social Science Education Study Program), Arum Murdianingsih (Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program), Inayati Fitriyah Asrimawati (English Language Education Study Program), Sherly Nur Hikmah (Performing Arts Education Study Program), Muhammad Sa’duddien Khair (Mathematics Education Study Program), Dewi Amelia Widyastuti and Luthfiana Nurtamara (S-1 Biology Education Study Program), Yogo Dwi Prasetyo (Chemical Education Study Program), Muhammad Hifdzi Adini and Rizky Pamuji (Computer Science Education Study Program), Yasmine Khairunnisa (Natural Science Education Study Program), Norma Anggara (Physical Education Study Program), Yogi Prihandoko (Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program) ), Nahdia Fitri Rahmaniah (Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program), Dewi Juwita Susanti (Progra m Special Education Studies), Zaudah Cyly Arrum Dalu (Educational Technology Study Program).
Regarding taking this oath of office, the Dean of FKIP ULM welcomed him. “I hope that they will immediately increase their dedication, commitment and participation for FKIP ULM which is more advanced, superior and competitive. They are brilliant young thinkers who are ready to catapult FKIP ULM internationally through research and community service in the field of education so that contribute even more to the betterment of national and world education. Congratulations to those who have just been inaugurated. Immediately set a schedule for further doctoral studies and work hard so that you can get your doctorate abroad,” he said.