Banjarmasin – The student team of the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) won first place in the national level Canva-based PGSD Learning Media Design Competition held by Khairun University, Ternate. The winning student team were Muhammad Diki Saputra and Nabilla Tiffany Zahrotul Ula. The competed learning media design is entitled “Memamorfosis of Butterflies” with a duration of 7 minutes. This learning media is audio-visual based and designed using the Canva application. The student team was guided by PGSD PS lecturers Herti Prastitasari and Yogi Prihandoko.
This competition was held through 3 stages, namely the selection of the top 10 which was announced on June 9, 2024. After being included in the top 10, then the competition participants are asked to upload their work on the Youtube channel to be selected again to enter the final. The last process during the finals was held through presentations and questions and answers by the jury on June 19, 2024 online through the zoom conference. The winner of the competition will be announced after the presentation process is complete.
According to one of the supervising lecturers, Herti Prastitasari, their team was interested in raising the theme of butterfly metamorphosis based on findings of difficulties for elementary school students to understand this material. “We are oriented to the experience of students when they take part in the teaching campus program, material about butterfly metamorphosis is often difficult for students because there are 4 stages that must be understood in the process, so it is necessary to develop learning media about the material,” she said.
Meanwhile, one of the student team members, Nabilla Tiffany, expressed her gratitude for this victory. “Alhamdulillah, I am grateful and proud of our achievement. This achievement is a motivation for us to continue to develop our abilities in designing learning media that are relevant and have a positive impact on learning in schools,” (writing contributor: Yogi Prohandoko).
Congratulations to the winners, hopefully you can continue to make achievements and inspire others. (admin)