Banjarmasin – The Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Study Program (PS) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) on Thursday-Friday, August 22-23, 2024 carried out an activity entitled Socialization of Proposed Determination of Student Identification Numbers (NIM) for PPG Students for Certain Teachers. This activity was held online through a zoom conference. This socialization was divided into two parts, namely the socialization of the SIREMA or Student Registration System delivered by the Academic Bureau of the ULM Rectorate and the Scholarship Account System delivered by the Assistant Expenditure Treasurer (BPP) of FKIP ULM, Indra Nur Adhitya.
According to the Secretary of PS PPG, Mohammad Dani Wahyudi, this activity was attended by 2022 participants who were divided into 5 sessions with the number of participants per session around 450 people. Prospective PPG students who take part in this activity come from a number of fields of study including Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Plant Agribusiness, Indonesian Language, English, Counseling Guidance, Economics, Natural Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS), Informatics, Mathematics, Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG PAUD), and Physical Education, Sports and Health.
PPG for Selected Teachers is a new scheme for implementing PPG which was previously called PPG Dalam Jabatan (daljab). This scheme was initiated in order to accelerate efforts to certify teachers who have been teaching, which is still a large number. In this socialization activity, it was explained, among others, why prospective PPG students need to create a new account for PPG scholarships provided by the Government. This is so that the autodebit of PPG payments runs smoothly and so that the failure of program payments due to taking funds for interests outside the program does not happen again. (admin)